Wednesday, March 12, 2008

flipper and his cat toy (and my hand)

The big orange cat you see is my baby, Flipper. I had just made him a bed out of the lid to a cardboard box and an old rug, and he immediately sat in it. I was trying to get his attention with a toy so I could take his picture, when I accidentally got a shot with my hand and the toy in frame. I was more pleased with this one than the other portraits taken of Flipper, because of the way he turned out of focus, and the vivid orange & purple of the toy fish.


Steve Moraco said...

Very cute. I'm glad to hear you started your own photoblog... i actualy never thoughti would be able to keep up with one picture a day, i get behind sometimes, but somehow i'm still going. and thanks for the link.

can't wait for more!


Madeleine Wilbur said...

Hey. Nice photoblog. Join the photoblog party! Yay!